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The Chip Maker:
Prophecy of the Beast
by Bridgette L. Collins and
Terry E. McGee Sr.
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BUY NOW AT   Buy The Chip Maker: Prophecy of the Beast at Barnes &
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The Chip Maker: Prophecy of the Beast
Available in soft cover only | 176 pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-9790932-4-1

Broken in Plain Sight
by Bridgette L. Collins
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BUY NOW AT   Buy Broken In Plain Sight at Barnes &
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Broken In Plain Sight
Available in soft cover only | 330 pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-9790932-3-4

Imagine Living Healthier
by Bridgette L. Collins
ONLY $14.95!
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Imagine Living Healthier
Available in soft cover only | 282 pages
ISBN 13: 978-0-9790932-1-0

Destined to Live Healthier
by Bridgette L. Collins
ONLY $14.95!
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Destined To Live Healthier
Available in soft cover | 298 pages
ISBN 978-0-9790932-2-7

The Ultimate RunnerRead about Bridgette's personal journey to a healthier lifestyle in "The Ultimate Runner." Her story of transitioning from the sofa to the streets to become a marathon runner will inspire you to move your lifestyle habits in a different direction. This book is available in bookstores nationwide and The Ultimate Runner for purchase.