Bridgette's Books |

Author Bridgette L. Collins wrote "The Chip Maker" in collaboration with Author Terry E. McGee Sr. Terry is the host of the award winning gospel and inspirational internet radio show "Simply Inspiring Show with Terry McGee" which is currently running on Centertainment radio/TV (www.centertainmentradio.fm).
It was Terry's vision to create a literary platform to inspire others to focus their thoughts, feelings, and actions on life after death. The loud and clear message inside "The Chip Maker" will provoke the reader to assess the current path of their lives in preparation of life after death.
Intrigued by his vision, Bridgette expanded the capacity of her literary imagination and creativity in crafting this "controversial" conscience-driven work of Christian Fiction. |
The Chip Maker is a story about Jim Natas who has spent the last decade enhancing the functionality of radio frequency identification (RFID) technology to identify, track, and provide information on every living organism via an implantable chip. His mission: The creation of one government, one religion, and one financial system, enabling him to control the world.
Mr. Natas (Satan in reverse) partners with Global Media Sources, the world's largest media and entertainment conglomerate, to establish a real-time, adaptive communications infrastructure to orient the implantable chip to the world along with its benefits. Recognizing the need for influential support, David Denmart, chairman and CEO of Global Media Sources, and his executive team recruits religious officials, political leaders, and notably famed entertainers to use their community and social media platforms to endorse, support, and persuade people to get chipped.
The executive team plans for a widespread movement using various platforms to ignite fear and create chaos. Religious, political, and social warfare between chip supporters and protesters intensifies with the execution of targeted suicide bombings, plane crashes, civilian attacks, kidnappings, and assassinations. It's the summer of 2021 and Natas' goal is to have every human being, 7.8 billion, chipped by August 2021.
Since discussions about an implantable chip, the Mark of the Beast, and the New World Order are becoming increasingly prevalent, the reader will identify with this storyline and its contents related to biblical prophecy, and the conspiracy theory that today's homeland and foreign catastrophes could be connected to the growing popularity of chip technology in various formats. |
The stakes are huge. The brokenness is higher. Uncle Bert wants to rescue members of his family from their reckless and destructive lifestyle behaviors. But, will his solution to save them from the devastating impact of incest, physical abuse, and mental illness change the direction of the road they are traveling. The reader's human consciousness and self-realization will be stirred by this story of hurt, family secrets, public corruption, and suicide, which ultimately leads to truth, healing, and love.
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Four captivating characters (Laura, Leslie, Brenda, and Maurine) inspires, mobilizes, and challenges the reader to recognize and reposition the factors preventing him/her from living healthier—mind, body and soul. Laura and Leslie, sisters reunited after 30 years, struggle to transition from a life built on blame, deception, insecurities, and bitterness. Brenda, a devoted wife and mother, faces financial troubles, a verbally abusive husband, and a medical condition that could create lifelong health problems. Maurine confronts her misplaced priorities and unhealthy habits after her husband has a heart attack and a friend dies from breast cancer. |
Three stimulating stories engages the reader to vicariously experience the challenges of life facing three individuals (Sarah, Suzanne, and Todd). Sarah, a workaholic gets a potentially life-threatening diagnosis from her doctor. Suzanne, whose hopes of starting a family are thwarted by a mysterious illness and a secret past. Todd confronts his selfish choices and unhealthy lifestyle habits after his wife abandons him and their children. |
Read about Bridgette's personal journey to a healthier lifestyle in "The Ultimate Runner." Her story of transitioning from the sofa to the streets to become a marathon runner will inspire you to move your lifestyle habits in a different direction. This book is available in bookstores nationwide and for purchase. |